Storage server maintanance- Completed

The maintanance is completed and the VMs are back online.

8th May 2022
Storage Servers- Maintanance Window

We are planning hardware maintenance on some of our storage servers which will require a reboot.

The maintanance window will start at 08-May-2022 12:PM EST 

We expect a 2 hours downtime for some of the affected VMs.

If you are facing any issues, please contact us at


5th May 2022
Storage server maintanance- Completed

The issue is fixed and the VMs are back online.

9th Sept 2021
Storage server maintanance

We are facing issues with one of the Storage servers. We're looking into the issue.

Some of the Storage VMs will face downtime for 30 min max.

If you are facing any issues, please contact us at

9th Sept 2021
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