Datacenter Move Maintanance Update

We have moved significant numbers of servers already to the new Data Centre.We couldn't complete the move yesterday due to bad weather.The remaining servers will be moved today starting 10AM EST.As already communicated the Downtime will be approx 5 hours for Storage and Hosting plans.2 to 3 hours for NVMe and SSD plans.If you have anymore ... לקריאה נוספת »

1 יולי 2021
Emergency Maintanance completed -NVMe

The emergency maintenance on the NVMe server is completed.

All the VMs are up and running. 

Thanks for your patience and support.

5 מאי 2021
Emergency Maintanance -NVMe

We are conducting emergency maintenance on one of our NVMe servers.

Inconvenience regretted

5 מאי 2021
Network Upgrade Maintenance Window

Dear Valued Customer,   We would like to inform you that we will be performing a network maintenance regarding our bandwidth.     This the maintenance window is scheduled to be executed on Friday, August 30th. Based on a recent reliability issue with our network, we are adding an additional redundant path and the topology on our ... לקריאה נוספת »

26 אוגוסט 2019
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